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Quebec City Season Grands rendez-vous series

Gauvin, Lemieux : divin Handel

October 23, 2024 at 19:30

Salle Raoul-Jobin

Palais Montcalm – Maison de la musique
995, place D'Youville
Quebec City (Quebec) G1R 3P1

Ticket office
418 641-6040
Toll-free from outside Quebec City
1 877 641-6040

How to get there
Rate From $21 to $115

Karina Gauvin and Marie-Nicole Lemieux hold a special place in our music community, and even more so at Les Violons du Roy! Since the very beginning of their respective careers, they have both ranked among the favourite guest artists of the public and the orchestra. It’s a real privilege to bring them together with Jonathan Cohen and our musicians to celebrate our 40th anniversary with a truly exceptional concert!

Conductors and soloists



• Overture (Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63)
From this dread scene (Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63)
• Sinfonia (Alexander Balus, HWV 65)
Fury, with red sparkling eyes (Alexander Balus, HWV 65)
Our limpid streams (Joshua, HWV 64)
• Overture (Solomon, HWV 67)
Will the sun forget to streak (Solomon, HWV 67)
Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Solomon, HWV 67)
Thou fair inhabitant – Welcome as the Dawn of Day (Solomon, HWV 67)
• Overture (Belshazzar, HWV 61)
Great victor, at your feet I bow (Belshazzar, HWV 61)
• Overture (Theodora, HWV 68)
Fly, fly, my brethren – As with rosy steps the morn (Theodora, HWV 68)
But why art thou disquieted, my soul – Oh! that I on wings could rise (Theodora, HWV 68)
To thee, thou glorious son of worth (Theodora, HWV 68)
Streams of pleasure ever flowing (Theodora, HWV 68)


Other performances of the concert
