Support us
You are an individual
Spontaneous donations
Every donation to Les Violons du Roy and La Chapelle de Québec has a significant impact on musical activities, community projects, and youth involvement. Please support us in our mission to raise our local and international profile.
Please give generously
Your gift can be in the form of cash, public shares, life insurance, a bequest, or property. Your gift can be a commitment over a few years. It can also be used to create a personalized fund. Please contact us for more information.
Several ways to give
Claude Samson Fund
Make a donation to the fund created by Claude Samson to support youth and community projects. Over past years, Les Violons du Roy musicians visited dozens of schools in Quebec City. Please contact us for more information.
Make a donation to the fund created by Anne-Marie and Bernard Robert and support projects that bring together La Chapelle de Québec and Les Violons du Roy, the choir’s performances (with or without the orchestra) on the national and international scene, as well as initiatives contributing to the choir’s development. Please contact us for more information.
Aide à l’audace Fund
Make a donation to the Aide à l’audace Fund created by Marthe Bourgeois to support emerging projects and initiatives. Over the past years, thousands of dollars were invested in these exciting projects. Please contact us for more information.
Mécénat Musica
Participate in the Mécénat Musica program and take advantage of attractive tax benefits while helping our organization benefit from a bonus based on your donation. Please contact us for more information.
Major donations to culture
Just like in the Mécénat Musica program, you can make a major donation to culture and take advantage of attractive tax benefits. Please contact us for more information.
Donation of flow-through shares
PearTree Canada helps donors achieve a lower after-tax cost of their charitable gifts by using a flow-through share donation format. Please contact us for more information.
Legacy gift
You can include our organization in your estate planning by confirming a bequest with tax benefits for your estate. Talk to your notary and let us know your intention. Please contact us for more information.

Why give
Supporting Les Violons du Roy and La Chapelle de Québec means helping spread culture in the community.
For more information:
Christiane Bouillé
Coexecutive Director, Administrative Director
418-692-3026 ext. 227

Les Violons du Roy Foundation
Les Violons du Roy Foundation is making a real difference by giving back to the community and future generations.